
What is 6/14 Divided by 1/16?

Accepted Solution


To perform division of fractions like 6/14 divided by 1/16, it is crucial to understand the concepts of numerator, denominator, dividend, and divisor. The first fraction, or the dividend, can be divided into numerator (6) and denominator (14). Similarly, the second fraction, or the divisor, is analyzed into its numerator (1) and denominator (16).

The process involves three steps: 1. Multiplication of the numerator of the dividend (6) by the denominator of the divisor (16) which gives the numerator of the answer (96). 2. Multiplication of the denominator of the dividend (14) by the numerator of the divisor (1) which gives the denominator of the answer (14). 3. The final result in fraction form is obtained by combining these two results into one fraction (96/14).

Representing this in terms of latex for easy understanding;
Step 1: $6 \times 16 = 96$
Step 2: $14 \times 1 = 14$
Step 3: $\frac{96}{14} = \frac{48}{7}$

To get the result in decimal form, the numerator (96) is divided by the denominator (14), which gives 6.857. Thus, 6/14 divided by 1/16 equals 6.857 in decimal form and 48/7 in fractional form. Practice more to get a better grip over the concept by attempting problems like 16/1 divided by 66, determining what number divided by 75 equals 16, and so forth.